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EPC publish SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) Core and SDD B2B Rulebooks, effective Nov 16

This week the European Payments Council (EPC) published the SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) Core Rulebook version 9.0 and the SDD Business to Business (B2B) Rulebook version 7.0. The SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0, the SDD B2B Rulebook version 7.0 and associated implementation guidelines will take effect on 20 November 2016.

The EPC has traditionally published updated versions of the rulebooks and associated implementation guidelines once annually in November to take effect in November of the next year. Exceptionally, the EPC resolved to publish the SDD Rulebook versions to take effect in November 2016 in January 2015. This decision was made to give payment service providers (PSPs) participating in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) payment schemes an extended lead-time to implement principal changes incorporated in the SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 7.0 prior to them taking effect. The SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 introduces a shorter standard time cycle. Both the SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 7.0 have been amended to simplify the use of sequence types.

SDD Core Rulebook v9.0 and SDD B2B v7.0

The SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 includes a shorter standard time cycle for the presentation of one-off and recurrent direct debit collections at the debtor’s bank. The SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 7.0 have been amended to simplify the use of sequence types by making the sequence type ‘first’ optional. For further details see:

Timings of when currently issued rulebooks come into effect

Timings are as follows:

  • SCT Rulebook version 7.1, SDD Core Rulebook version 7.1 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 5.1 currently in effect remain in effect until November 2015
  • SCT Rulebook version 8.0, SDD Core Rulebook version 8.0 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 6.0, published in November 2014, will take effect on 22 November 2015
  • SCT Rulebook version 8.0 will remain in effect until November 2017. The SDD Core Rulebook version 8.0 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 6.0 will remain in effect until November 2016
  • SDD Core Rulebook version 9.0 and SDD B2B Rulebook version 7.0, published in January 2015, will take effect on 20 November 2016 and remain in effect until November 2017.

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