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Itochu Enex Co install SunGard & Stream Clearvision ASP for Commodities Hedging

Itochu Enex, a major Japanese energy provider, has installed the outsourcing service from SunGard's Valdi and Stream Clearvision ASP Services to help operate its front-to-middle office technology platform. The agreement will also provide infrastructure for their commodities hedging business line in Asia-Pacific. With SunGard's hosted trading workstations, market access and middle office ASP account reporting services will remove the burden of operating and maintaining their commodities hedging platform. This allows Itochu Enex more time to focus on its core business and provide increased value and expertise to its clients.

“When recently relocating offices, we integrated SunGard's Valdi ASP Services for our total commodities hedging solution, which is delivering a lower total cost of ownership to our operations. Since the software and infrastructure is managed by SunGard as a fully outsourced solution, it will help us reduce costs and administration of having multiple vendors, and therefore, provide more resources for us to better serve our clients.” – Tomohiro Akaishi, manager, Itochu Enex Co., Ltd.

Moving to hosted, ASP, cloud and managed services

SunGard customers are finding that more clients world-wide are showing more confidence in moving to hosted, ASP, cloud and managed service solutions to support various platforms and functions. SunGard believes that these outsourced solutions help reduce the investment that customers have to make in supporting infrastructure such as hardware and leased lines, and they also help relieve the burden of software upgrades and compliance updates.

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