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Environment, Social, Governance


Sustainable and green strategies have never been more important to corporate financial health. In the Internet age, when reputations can be built and ruined at viral speed, companies are under more…

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Environment, Social, Governance

Why green bonds are an essential treasury tool

by Bija Knowles

A study shows that green bonds create long-term value for corporate issuers and also reduce their environmental footprint

Environment, Social, Governance

CFO involvement in sustainability set to increase

by Bija Knowles

CTMfile speaks to Nico Fettes, CDP Europe, about its green ratings initiative and how data requirements will affect CFOs and treasury

Environment, Social, Governance

Profit shifting highest among US multinationals

by Bija Knowles

As much as 40 per cent of multinational profits are shifted to low-tax countries each year, depriving developing and EU countries of 20 per cent of their tax revenues