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International Bill Payments


The cost of collecting cross-currency payments - setting up currency accounts, FX conversion costs (can be as high as 200 bps or more) and the processing charges - can be 3-5% + of the value of the…

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Payments - Receipts

Payment systems - think different

by Jack Large

Deeply understand the transaction process, then its just commonsense to think differently

Collecting Payments on the Internet

Payment is a product, a journey through data

by Jack Large

Dan Marovitz, VP Global Payments,, world's largest online travel site, on key drivers & structures in e-commerce payments

Payments - Receipts

Where are the best and worst countries to collect a debt?

by Bija Knowles

No company wants to recover debt – but if you're in that predicament, which countries make collecting due payments a complex process? A report by Euler Hermes sheds some light

Payments - Receipts

B2B payments: do you do recurring?

by Jack Large

Revolution in C2B payments continues as Adyen teams up with Recurly to spread use of subcription payments BUT should you be using B2B recurring already?

Payments - Receipts

Hot on the heels of the digital revolution

by Bija Knowles

Embracing the changes that come with e-payments can make treasury relevant to the customer experience, as discussed by two corporates in the auto sector and oil sector.