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Releasing Working Capital


To free up as much liquidity as possible from the working capital, finance directors and corporate treasurers aim for an optimal Cash Conversion Cycle. The aim is to maximise Days Payables Outstanding…

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Bank Relations & KYC

A look at Latin America

by Ben Poole

Latin America satellite image

Digital banking and working capital management are high on the agenda following recent announcements.

Cash Flow Forecasting

Release your working capital and treasury potential

by Gerry Daly , Head of Sales, UK & Ireland, Cashforce


Enhance your whole organisation: harness your data; employ accurate AI based cash flow forecasting; use fast and nimble onboarding

Releasing Trapped Cash

How Unilever unlocks trapped cash worldwide

by Jack Large

Unilever’s Silke Reimers shows how releasing trapped cash worldwide takes persistence, patience and constant attention over long term