ECB warns of risks of ‘big bang’ migration to SEPA and repeats rules on non-compliance
by Kylene Casanova
Testing products, such as Omikron’s SEPA Test Centre, will be essential in run up to Feb 2014
by Kylene Casanova
Testing products, such as Omikron’s SEPA Test Centre, will be essential in run up to Feb 2014
by Kylene Casanova
First cross-border sweeping service in Korea
by Kylene Casanova
Payments & cash management application fully integrated SWIFT connection
by Kylene Casanova
How to leverage technology to support the human touch
by Kylene Casanova
Anywhere is a selling opportunity, even a wall near you
by Kylene Casanova
Citi’s Carin Ly shows how
by Kylene Casanova
Axioma Risk a new patform for risk officers, portfolio managers, asset owners and consultants
by Kylene Casanova
The tipping point in sophistication and complexity is changing what systems & services needed
by Kylene Casanova
Your strategic development plan for after SEPA goes live
by Kylene Casanova
Fudges galore + many compromises as Europe struggles to be ready. Conversion resources scarce
by Kylene Casanova
App to check their company’s global cash position and action on their payments activity globally
by Kylene Casanova
Reval believe treasurers are behind on IFRS 13 preparations so have few options left
by Kylene Casanova
Up from 33 in September 2012 showing how hard it is to role out eBAM globally
by Kylene Casanova
Amazon begins with 200+ million accounts, Apple will follow with 500+ million a/cs & their iPhones
by Kylene Casanova
Graphical, interactive analytics enables full visualization of global cash pooling structures
by Kylene Casanova
Now includes 140 currencies, expanded ACH offering, double same day & next day available currencies
by Kylene Casanova
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi arrangement of BPO settlement for Vale and MSM really works
by Kylene Casanova
August RMB payments fall slightly, deposits up, Citi Peru first RMB LC + Chinese bonds online info
by Kylene Casanova
3Delta Systems list of how to avoid a cyber breach and card loss
by Kylene Casanova
Banks are finally getting their act together on SDD exception handling
by Kylene Casanova
Fundtech estimate that 50-100 countries to implement immediate payments systems in next 10-20 years
by Kylene Casanova
Despite opinion questioning its legality and a big drop in trading in Italy & France due to FTT
by Kylene Casanova
Standard Chartered’s 10-year fixed RMB CTMfile-cross-currency swap based on Hibor
by Kylene Casanova
BNY Mellon CSD receives Securities Settlement System status and new Collateral Aggregator offering