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Collecting Payments via Mobile


There are already some 6.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world (as of February 2014) and 2.6 billion are smart phones. It's a very fast-growing market: the number of smart phones…

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Collecting Payments on the Internet

How corporate treasurers can make the most of the API economy

by Shahrokh Moinian , Managing Director, Global Head of Cash Products, Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank’s Global Head of Cash Products, Cash Management, Shahrokh Moinian, discusses how vital APIs will be in developmnt of PSD2

Payments - Receipts at POS

When will ‘no checkout’ become common practice?

by Bija Knowles

The majority of European payments professionals think that 'no checkout' at physical stores in Europe is five years or more away – as Amazon Go announces more stores in the US